The expression "The only constant is change" often defines our lives and our relationships.
We work with you to overcome challenges and change in your relationships - whether this be your marriage, separation, child, workplace or yourself - we are here to provide you with the skills to improve your relationships and so your life.
We are based in Manly Brisbane but are able to travel to you or work with you virtually if that suits.
Our Director is Melanie Schroder
Melanie has 30 years’ experience working across government, education and the non for profit sector with a focus on mental health, suicide intervention/prevention and conflict resolution/mediation/ peace building. Melanie has post graduate qualifications in conflict resolution, counselling and law.
Melanie is also a Director of CALM Consulting t/a Suicide Programs which develops and delivers evidence and lived experience-based training around suicide awareness, intervention and prevention. She is a highly experienced facilitator, conflict resolution trainer, coach, and assessor, and is a nationally accredited mediator under the National Mediator Accreditation System (NMAS) as well as a registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner. Melanie works with several organisations and universities, teaching and coaching in mediation and conciliation..
Everybody who works with Relate2u is qualified in the areas in which they specialise - Mediators are registered with Attorney General Department and are Nationally Accredited and all meet the National Accreditation Standards; Therapist and family counsellors all have post graduate training in therapeutic interventions; and our coaches and trainers all have significant experience either in age appropriate and youth training or organisational needs and leadership.
Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
George Bernard Shaw
We offer a free initial consultation either by phone or in person. See if what we have to offer is what you need
Monday - Friday: 10am - 6pm
Saturday: By appointment
Sunday: By appointment