Mediation or conflict resolution is a process in which you work with a neutral third party to overcome a conflict or issue that you are not able to resolve.
Why mediation - you know your situation better than any 'expert' in the field. Mediation gives you a space in which to raise concerns, have a voice, resolve an issue and potentially reach an agreement that recognises your individual needs and values.
Mediation is cheaper, less time consuming and more empowering than any court system.
This is a model that we have developed after working with families for many years and seeing the destructive nature of family conflict.
Adolescents is a time of change, challenge and often conflict. Although we may love each other, overcoming differences of opinions, values or behaviours can present incredibly challenging. Family is the most important asset we have, so investing time to resolve disputes is essential.
We can work with you to firstly hear each other, identify and define the different areas of conflict and map a path forward to a more harmonious and collaborative relationship
Separation can be a time of grief, loss and conflict. Working together to devise a parenting plan or separating property can be overwhelming but is vitally important, not only for our futures but for the futures of our children.
We are registered with the Attorney Generals Department and are able to work with you to develop parenting plans or consent orders, or assist with a property settlement.
If you are not able to come to an agreement, we are able to provide you with a 60I certificate which will enable you to take your matter to court.
We spend more time at work than we do at home, we also have more contact with people of different backgrounds, value systems and expectations. Conflict can be major or minor, it can be with one other person or include a whole team, but it is impactful on both our work performance and our personal wellbeing.
We can provide a space to work through issues, gain insight and achieve an outcome to enable all to move forward.
Conflict coaching is provided on a one on one basis to enable you to either deal with a specific situation you find yourself in, or to provide you with the tools to enable you to be more assertive and less challenged by conflictual situations.
Conflict can be a very healthy way of resolving issues and achieving results if you have the strategies to deal with it in a productive and proactive way.
Separation is also a period of viewing what assets and liabilities you have together and reaching financial / property agreements for your future.
We are able to assist in drawing up heads of agreement to enable you to divide your property and finances at a much lower cost and a much shorter period of times than if you are required to attend court.
We will work closely with your lawyers if required to ensure this meets all of your and your families needs.