Our staff bring a variety of different skills, backgrounds and expertise t the table, so we are able to offer the following training programs:-
Accidental Counsellor finding ourselves in a situations where we are speaking with somebody who is stressed or distressed can be challenging and at times overwhelming. Our one day Accidental Counsellor Training program will provide you with the knowledge and skills to engage in difficult conversations and support the person to self regulate, and identify options and pathways forward.
Be Well Stay Well many of us find ourselves in situations where we are juggling numerous areas of our lives and find ourselves short of time, energy, capacity or experiencing mental health distress. Understanding what mental wellbeing is and how we can proactively work to stay well is the focus of this program.
Relationship Things - Self esteem, moving from primary to high school, family situations and experiences can all shape us and our view of relationships. We provide a program to assist young people to choose healthy relationships and identify relationships that may be abusive, controlling or unhealthy. We assist the young people to identify strengths and value in themselves and once again provide pathways for them to work through relationship issues.
Ensuring we maintain a work life balance and are able to be productive and contributing members of our organisation creates a significant challenge for most employees.
Client issues are more complex, financial constraints are constantly being enforced, longer hours and higher workloads becoming the norm, lack of employment security and last but not least ensuring currency of knowledge and practice so we can maintain our employment is a necessity.
Why do it alone? We are able to provide professional supervision, mentoring and coaching. Through this engagement you will not only improve your practice, but monitor signs of burnout or compassion fatigue, take time to focus on what you are doing well and where you could improve.
With years of working in the community field as well as in upper management positions, our staff are able to provide your staff with a number of package, either as is or tailored to meet your specific needs. We offer training and professional development in Queensland.
Here is a small sample of what we have to offer, should you require more information on any of our packages or wish to have a package tailored to your specific needs don't hesitate to contact us: